A video-aided minilaparocholecystectomy

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Marco Zannoni
Lorenzo Viani
Cecilia Caramatti
Paolo Del Rio
Andrea Ghirarduzzi
Mario Sianesi


AIM: The main objective is to prospectively evaluate the therapeutic efficacy of minilaparocholecystectomy combined with videolaparoscopic view in cases of complicated gallstones where VLC was risky.

MATERIAL OF STUDY: We carried out minilaparotomic video-aided cholecystectomy on 110 patients (32 males and 78 females) whith preoperative diagnosis of intraabdominal adhesions or biliary severe inflammation.

RESULT: No significant intra or postoperative complications was reported and in all cases pain was never greater than that reported after VLC.

In all these cases the anesthetists reported an easier intra-operative management of the vital parameters than with VLC procedures DISCUSSION: Minilaparocholecystectomy appears a type of alternative procedure able to combine mini-invasiveness with as low a number as possible of intra- and post-operative complications, in cases where VLC have risk.

No significant postoperative pain was reported, and in any case pain was never greater than that reported after VLC.

Recovery times were similar to those after VLC; patients were able to return to their normal social and working life within a mean 3 days. The procedure carried out by us is a low-cost one: it does not require disposable instruments From the esthetic viewpoint, video-aided minicholecystectomy minimal scars in our cases, wound ranged from 4 to 6 cm. in length.

CONCLUSIONS: In patients in whom VLC have risks, video-aided minilaparocholecystectomy represents an easy-to-perform and low-cost alternative. VMC can also be proposed as a procedure of choice in cases of complicated gallstones instead of the traditional open cholecystectomy technique

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How to Cite
Zannoni, Marco, et al. “A Video-Aided Minilaparocholecystectomy”. Annali Italiani Di Chirurgia, vol. 81, no. 6, Nov. 2010, pp. 471-6, https://annaliitalianidichirurgia.it/index.php/aic/article/view/2937.