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G. Castronovo
A. Ciulla
G. Urso
G. Tomasello
S. Damiani


Sinus pilonidalis or the sacrococcigea cyst, normally is considered a “small surgical pathology” and actually it is controversial disease regarding its pathogenesis and treatment. Today the congenital hypothesis of this pathology is not considered.

The etiopathogenesis exclude vestigia embryonic origin and consider it an inflammatory disease. Traumatism of the sacral region, hirsutism, hormonal secretion stimulating, and furrow sacral furrow cutaneous, explain the prevalence of this pathology in the male sex and in the puberale age.

It usually appears after the pubertà and extension one various frequency of presentation in males sex (1.3%) regarding females (0.11%).

The symptomatology can be rare or introduce itself in violent and intense way with on abscess of the region, or with only or multiple fistulas orifices from which exit materialclarly purulent.

Normally cystic cavity is one, situated in the subcutaneous tissue with annexed inflammatory phenomena.

This cavity to times communicates with the skyn fistulating. The treatment of election is surgical and must weighted and be regulated in relation to the entity of the lesion and its inflammatory picture.

Sometimes the medical therapy with anti-inflammatory and antibiotic is not control the symptomatology and it need the surgical treatment.

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How to Cite
Castronovo, G., et al. “PILONIDAL SINUS: AN RETROSPECTIVE ANALYSIS OF 205 CASES”. Annali Italiani Di Chirurgia, vol. 74, no. 5, Sept. 2003, pp. 559-63, https://annaliitalianidichirurgia.it/index.php/aic/article/view/3104.