Nasogastric tubes: A lot of bother.

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Fabio Tagliabue
Carlo D’Angelo
William Zuccon
Casimiro Giorgetta
Valerio Balduzzi
Fabrizio Gambarini
Luigi Bonandrini


The insertion of the nasogastric tube is one of the procedure that produces the most discomfort for the patients and practitioners. The AA, with the make use of their clinical experience and the data of the literature, report some personal reflections about the management of the nasogastric tube. The AA also analyse some variables (choice of the tube, approach to the patient, insertion of the tube, examination of the position, fixation and removal) that can influence on discomfort of the patient.

The choice of the most right SNG is an important moment for the correct insertion; an effect we need to adjust the material and diameter of the tube to the prearranged use. The common practice demonstrates that the collaboration with the patient, obtained by “direct” and “indirect” strategies, gives more possibilities to immediately success of this procedure. The literature explains that it is possible to decrease the discomfort with topical anesthesia; still there are some points of view to clarify. From analyse of the different methods to check the position of SNG, the pH test of the aspirating fluid is the best solution. Once examination of right placement, we need to fix in different points (at least two). From personal experience the removal of SNG is better tolerate that the insertion because the patient is more conscious to be on the mend.

The principal recommendation is to abstain from insertion of SNG if it is not closely necessary!

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How to Cite
Tagliabue, Fabio, et al. “Nasogastric Tubes: A Lot of Bother”. Annali Italiani Di Chirurgia, vol. 79, no. 1, Jan. 2008, pp. 37-42,