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S. Di Mauro
N. Belnome
M. Salibra
V. Bartolo
M. Turrisi
E. Cesario


The authors, want to dimostrate the operation of abdominal perianal rectum amputation, and it is considered absolute, even 80 years, in the treatment of the anal neoplasia, it is superseded by alternative methods represented by protocols radio-chemo-therapeutic associated or less to the surgery treatment.

They make then a retrospective valuation since 1963 till our days on 54 patients. In the 6 patients (stadium I-II) treated after 1982 with protocols of freemall, it is was obteined disappearence of the neoplasia about 50% the cases. On overcoming of the results there was in a second group of 8 patients (1987) treated always with protocol of Greenall, in 5 of these (62,5%) could observe absence of remaing of disease. In the third group (1993) on 8 patients treated with therapy fixed radio-chemo, it was registred the absence of the residual of ilness in 6 patients(75,5%).

Finaly, from the analysis of patients observed in the last seven years, 5 of wich suffered by Ca squamous in different evolutive stadium (one I stadium, three II stadium and one stadium III-B), the stadium I and II were treated with the protocol radio-chemotherapeutic obtaining total remission of the disease in the 100% of the cases.

In the follw-up of 45 patients, 12 of whose were treated with the therapy combined radio-chemo and of these 10 were valutabled for survival to 5 years which was about 70% superior to patients treated with only surgery therapy.

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How to Cite
Di Mauro, S., et al. “ANAL CANCER”. Annali Italiani Di Chirurgia, vol. 72, no. 3, May 2001, pp. 329-35,