Identification of a new syndrome: ASS-SSA or anal sphincter syndrome

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Nando Gallese


AIM:The author proposes a new, original Syndrome, observing the relationship between some of the most frequent anal pathologies, apparently different from each other in terms of morphological aspect and symptomatologic expression, but united by the same pathogenic cause, represented by the hypertonicity of the anal sphincter apparatus.

There are already descriptions of other “syndromes” of the pelvic floor, inaccurate and subject to different interpretations.The proposed syndrome, instead, called Anal Sphincter Syndrome - ASS (in Italian SSA - Sindrome dello Sfintere Anale) presents clarity on the determining cause (sphincter hypertonicity) and descriptive simplicity, including only two welldefined pathological conditions: anal fissure and anal thrombosis; other ancillary conditions or symptoms are inconstantly possible, but not decisive.

The author will present, as soon as possible, in subsequent works, a retrospective study (still to be completed) on a wide personal case history, dating back to the 1990s.

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How to Cite
Gallese, Nando. “Identification of a New Syndrome: ASS-SSA or Anal Sphincter Syndrome”. Annali Italiani Di Chirurgia, vol. 92, no. 2, Mar. 2021, pp. 180-2,