Early diagnosis of bowel motility disorders, with US in urgency, compared to conventional X-ray investigation

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Antonella Russo


BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Ultrasound investigation is more and more useful instrumental investigation, for early detection of rising signs of bowel occlusion, if compared to conventional abdominal x-ray.

MATERIALS AND METHODS: A personal collection of 25 intestinal occlusions is reported, comparing the conventional radiographic and ultrasonographic essays.

RESULTS: The static x-ray of abdomen didn’t reveal adynamic condition in 11/15 patients, confirmed by US supporting clinical examination; 4/25 has been even treated conservatively, completely restored, though radiological diagnosis of occlusion, relying on clinical and sonographic reports. In 9/25 subjects x-ray hasn’t been performed, relying on US only to achieve instrumental diagnosis.

CONCLUSIONS: The most important advantage of echography, such as dynamic evaluation, allows the study of potential mechanical peristaltic disorders, revealing the stratification of liquid and gas enteric contents, one of the most peculiar sign of intestinal occlusion. Supporting clinical suspect, in the reported collection, it recruited on one hand early surgical solution for the most of them and conservative approach for five patients on the other

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How to Cite
Antonella Russo. “Early Diagnosis of Bowel Motility Disorders, With US in Urgency, Compared to Conventional X-Ray Investigation”. Annali Italiani Di Chirurgia, vol. 83, no. 4, July 2012, pp. 279-90, https://annaliitalianidichirurgia.it/index.php/aic/article/view/2844.