Artificial Intelligence against Breast Cancer (A.N.N.E.S-B.C.-Project)

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Domenico Parmeggiani
Nicola Avenia
Alessandro Sanguinetti
Roberto Ruggiero
Giovanni Docimo
Mattia Siciliano
Pasquale Ambrosino
Imma Madonna
Roberto Peltrini
Umberto Parmeggiani


INTRODUCTION: Our preliminary study examined the development of an advanced innovative technology with the objectives of: – developing methodologies and algorithms for a Artificial Neural Network (ANN) system, improving mammography and ultra-sonography images interpretation; – creating autonomous software as a diagnostic tool for the physicians, allowing the possibility for the advanced application of databases using Artificial Intelligence (Expert System).

MATERIALS AND METHODS: Since 2004 550 F patients over 40 yrs old were divided in two groups: 1) 310 pts underwent echo every 6 months and mammography every year by expert radiologists.

2) 240 pts had the same screening program and were also examined by our diagnosis software, developed with ANNES technology by the Engineering Aircraft Research Project team. The information was continually updated and returned to the Expert System, defining the principal rules of automatic diagnosis.

RESULTS:In the second group we selected: Expert radiologist decision; ANN-ES decision; Expert radiologists with ANNES decision. The second group had significantly better diagnosis for cancer and better specificity for breast lesions risk as well as the highest percentage account when the radiologist’s decision was helped by the ANN software. The ANNES group was able to select, by anamnestic, diagnostic and genetic means, 8 patients for prophylactic surgery, finding 4 cancers in a very early stage.

DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION: Although it is only a preliminary study ,this innovative diagnostic tool seems to provide better positive and negative predictive value in cancer diagnosis as well as in breast risk lesion identification.

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How to Cite
Domenico Parmeggiani, et al. “Artificial Intelligence Against Breast Cancer (A.N.N.E.S-B.C.-Project)”. Annali Italiani Di Chirurgia, vol. 83, no. 1, Jan. 2012, pp. 1-6,