A rare cause of acute anal pain: strangulated hemorrhoids in a perianal fistula

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Direnc Yigit
Mehmet Ilker Turan
Nedim Akgul


BACKGROUND: Hemorrhoidal disease is characterized by painless rectal bleeding and palpable swelling in the anus and very common in the society. In the presence of pain, it is called a complicated hemorrhoidal disease including conditions, such as thrombosed hemorrhoids, strangulation of the internal hemorrhoid, or accompanying anal fissure. Edema that develops as a result of impaired venous return is accepted as the main source of pathology in the development of strangulated internal hemorrhoidal disease, which is one of these complicated conditions.

CASE PRESENTATION: This case report shows that strangulated hemorrhoidal disease can also develop due to a mechanical cause as a result of incarceration of the hemorrhoid into the accompanying perianal fistula tract.

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How to Cite
Yigit, Direnc, et al. “A Rare Cause of Acute Anal Pain: Strangulated Hemorrhoids in a Perianal Fistula”. Annali Italiani Di Chirurgia, vol. 11, no. July, July 2022, pp. 1-4, https://annaliitalianidichirurgia.it/index.php/aic/article/view/645.
Case Report